Scallop Series

Series Details

Scallop Shortcuts can be utilised during both the patternmaking and construction phase. The trim can be sewn above, behind, inserted or seamlessly included as part of the pattern plan.

Each scallop Shortcut includes.

  • ‘Base line’ - this is the base of the scallop design, indicated by a hole directly under the scallop peak.
  • ¼” line indicated by a hole directly under the scallop peak.
  • 10mm line indicated by a hole directly under the scallop recess.
  • 15mm horizontal gather line indicated by a slot directly under each scallop peak.
  • 25mm horizontal gather line indicated by a slot directly under each scallop peak.
  • 25mm vertical alignment lines indicated by a slot directly under each scallop recess. These lines further aid the Sewer when marking out a continuing line of scallops.

All curve Shortcuts have a hole at the middle point of the circumference, allowing the Sewer to place a pin (if on an ironing or softboard) to hold down and accurately swing the Shortcut while marking out.

Setting the scallop in at baseline will result in a neat and flat scallop detail. The further away the scallop is set from the baseline, the more fabric is included in the depth - resulting in a full and large scallop.

The Scallop Series Shortcuts can be purchased individually or as a complete set.

Click here for instructions

Bead Series

Series Details

The bead series Shortcuts produce a smaller, more delicate silhouette. Once sewn into the seam this gives the effect of a ‘bead like’ detail popping up and floating individually along the seam line.

The distinctive quality of the bead series is that the bead trim is sewn in-between two seams. Each bead Shortcut has a ‘sew-in’ line indicating where the Sewer places the trim. (The Shortcut also has dots along the ‘sew-in’ line to further aid in marking for precision placement)

Between each bead is a recess that sits below the ‘sew-In’ line. This recess is used to manipulate how the trim curves or aligns with any pattern. The bead series does not come with ‘curve’ Shortcuts as the straight guide can be curved and manipulated by nicking under the recess, nicking-in allows the trim to collapse inwards or outwards and once sewn in place the recess can be cut off entirely.

Each bead Shortcut has a recommended stitch length and visual number of stitches for sewing each recess.

The Bead Series Shortcuts can be purchased individually or as a complete set.

Instructions can be found here

Mid-Gather Series

Series Details

Trim made with the middle (mid) gather series is the quickest trim to create in the entire textiles7 shortcut range. The distinct quality of the mid-gather trim is the placement of the gather stitches between two edges, ie exactly in the middle, or near the middle of the trim. The mid-gather stitch lines include curves and zigzags (indicated by slots and holes in the shortcuts), once these stitches are sewn in place, and drawn up with gather, they distort and buckle the fabric edges - resulting in the outside straight fabric edge to change into a new silhouette.

Pivoting, zigzag, and straight stitching are the most utilised techniques when creating mid-gather trim and is therefore suitable for all skill levels (beginner to accomplished).
Each Mid-gather shortcut includes:

The mid-gather trim is intended to sit on top of a fabric surface, the gather line is used as a guide and directly sewn over with a tight secure stitch to hold the trim firmly in place.

- 20mm joining seam allowance on each shortcut end.

- 4mm seam allowance for edges to be treated with a simple zigzag finish. (Other finish options may include serger/overlocked, rolled edge)

- All mid-gather shortcuts create a repeated and defined fabric edge when lined up along the grainline. However, each shortcut also indicates the bias, resulting in an unstructured scattered edge for a different overall effect.

More Shortcuts Coming Soon

We are hard at work inventing many more fabulous Sewing Shortcuts, come back often or subscribe to our email list to be the first to know.

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